brandy and pain and floral lace

some thoughts?

I have a ridiculous amount of bad poetry or scribbles as I humbly like to call it. Sometimes I think I would like to turn them into a book. Not a "real" book of course, but write them all neatly into a notebook or something. I don't know, it's just an idea I had. I think that could be quite cool. 
(Funny thing is I wouldn't want a single soul to read it.) 

our love is god, let's go get a slushie

Weird o-: 

let science explain it

would anyone still love me if they knew that my head spins all the time and i think things i don't want to think and im completely lost in existensialism and despair? lol 

energy and vibrations

"Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Therefore, if we really want to observe ourselves and find out what we are, we are really beings of energy and vibration, radiating our own unique energy signature -this is fact and is what quantum physics has shown us time and time again. We are much more than what we perceive ourselves to be, and it’s time we begin to see ourselves in that light. If you observed the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter." - Arjun Walia 

Vienna waits

I was in Vienna, nearly a year ago now. But oh, it was a joy! Eye candy. Aesthetic perfection. The people were rude. But it didn't matter because the trees were so green, the buildings were so shiny, I wanted to kiss the statues and Vienna by Billy Joel was stuck in my head during the whole trip. 

♡ Town ♡

I went to see The hobbit with my mum a few days ago and was delighted to discover all this glitter and threads of shimmer! 

happy new year ♡

♡♡♡ time is an illusion nothing exists nothing is real ♡♡♡

Danse bohemmiénne

Look what I got ♡ it's one of my favourite pieces 

Frostigheter och annat påhitt

Ett inlägg på svenska var av okänd anledning efterfrågat av många så hej hej. 
Julaftonen var trevlig om någon ville veta! Jag älskar rödbetssallad, fastän det är ganska vidrigt. Och glögg  
Nu längtar jag mest till nyår. Fast mina klänningar från liz lisa har inte kommit än, och om jag inte får dem innan så vet jag inte alls vad jag ska ha på mig! Nyårsestetiken är viktig och framförallt glittrig och en av mina favoriter så det hade ju varit roligt att få den precis rätt. 
 Jag lånade Little women på biblioteket för ett tag sedan och jag ser verkligen fram emot att läsa den igen, jag tycker att den känns som hemma. Precis som filmen - den med Winona Ryder, menar jag. Hon är så charmig och söt, precis som Jo March. 
Dessutom var det frostigt idag, som bilden bevisar! ♡ 


Sorry. A lot of sorrys! I'm very sorry. I can see that even now, without having updated this meaningless page, people visit it. Each day. I don't see why, but I'm grateful. So grateful that I've decided to maybe update a bit every now and then again. 

let me become art

The other woman enchants her clothes with french perfume
The other woman keeps fresh cut flowers in each room

that's all over now

shared my heart and my mind with you, that's all over now 

take my whole life, too

 If we hold hands and wish together from sunrise to sunset the heavens will open up for the both of us. 
and we'll become eternal, our hearts will entangle and break out of their cages of bones

garden inside

Strangled up in ivy,
I'm the garden of Eden. 
Or Lady liberty. 
I'm watching from a distant constellation.
I don't have to talk pretty for them anymore. 

limbs of stone

sometimes I would rather be alive 

don't wanna know

"I lie so much that sometimes I don't even know which side of the mirror I am on"


När jag drömmer, ser jag inga ansikten. Eller så gör jag det, men kommer inte ihåg dem. I vilket fall är det underligt. 
egentligen ville jag bara ha en anledning att skriva ordet underligt

och jag förstår inte varför

Smuts. Allt är smutsigt, orent. Dricker ett glas vatten och hoppas att det renar mig, men vattnet är också smuts. Ser mig i spegeln och ser smuts stirra tillbaka. Ser smutsiga människor skynda förbi. Dricker kaffe från espresso house och rött läppstift färgar av sig på pappkanten. Mår illa och dricker inte mer, för det är orent. 
Duschar och duschar men känslan försvinner inte. Jag disinficerar mina händer och sprutar parfym men allt är fortfarande smuts. Och jag kan inte förstå varför. Ingen annan verkar tänka på det. Något är fel på mig. 


Some inspirational photos from the past. 

dope cinema

darling, dearest, deadest

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