fuck you



So yeah, school started a few days ago and I already have two exams next week. Which is.. Annoying, I guess. We had a small math test yesterday, it was dreadful.
Anyway. How are you all doing? I never write here anymore..
I'm watching supernatural and drinking diet coke, which I guess I'll do all night. It's kinda nice, actually.


Well, the vacation was lovely.. Prague is beautiful..

young flower

It's warm outside and I'm starting to think that putting on makeup today was a mistake. I have to pack my suitcase because tomorrow I'm going to Prague. My suitcase has polka dots.

come as you are

You know that feeling where you just feel like you're floating away because you're so happy? You feel like you could do anything, even fly. I've had that feeling multiple times. But only in dreams. And I'm scared, what if I made this feeling up? I expect so much out of life even though I know I shouldn't. It's naive, it's stupid. But I think that's what being young is. Expecting a lot more than you should. But maybe you don't. Maybe life is as rich as you make it. How would I know.

♡ I N T H E V A L L E Y O F T H E D O L L S W E S L E E P ♡

I'm living dead


I don’t know who I am
I feel like a 70 year old trapped inside a body way too young.
But then, I also feel like a child? I am a child 

I’m so lost. Where am I? How did I end up here? What is this place? Why am I here? 

Nobody knows, We’re just here. Trapped and wondering 


It's curious, isn't it, water. Always loved the sea though I'm kinds afraid of fish lol.

I wanna fly

So it's 04.22 right now and I am not tired at all. It's so annoying, I think I had too much caffeine today lol. Lots of tea and coffee and a bit of cola. I really do want to sleep but I can't!
Oh and I got a tooth ripped out today - it was so nice to finally get rid of it. It didn't hurt much at all. I drooled blood a few minutes and that was a bit fun.
I don't know what to do right now. I JUST WANNA SLEEP HELP

drop your knees to the floor, hands to the sky

So today was a decent day. I had a good skin day which is really rare lol.
The weather is still rubbish though. Come on, sun! Why are you so shy?
I'm about to buy a new camera by the way :) so I can finally take some photos, I'm going to ask my sister to model. I love photographing with her because we don't take it too seriously lol. I kinda suck at taking photos tbh it's just a laugh. (;

https://cdn2.cdnme.se/4067906/6-3/pic_51ccaaafe087c32899a4466b.jpg" class="image">

idol of roses

The weather here in southern Sweden sucks. It is raining and it's really cloudy. Apparently the sun won't appear in almost two weeks. I hope they're wrong, what kind of summer is this.. Oh well, it's only June after all. Let's just pray to the cats for some sunshine.

Living in a make believe land

my life is a play


Long time no see..
Hur har ni det? Jag har det okej. Vaknar sent. Men det kvittar. Det är skönt att inte göra något. Nu ska jag kolla på film, hej då.


My life is so boring atm, I'm going to stay up all night because I feel like it and when I went to bed early yesterday I still woke up after lunch.
I'm angry and very disturbed, kind of sad too which sucks.
I'm going to order two dresses tomorrow though ♡
Right now I'm just about to watch some really bad horror film, probably killer clowns from outer space because it sucks and it amuses me. Or something. I might have a midsummer party with some friends in the weekend. I might.
Oh well, hope you're all doing well and I'm sorry I'm so boring ♡ bye


Äntligen är skolan över för detta läsåret, det har verkligen varit jobbigt denna terminen. Men jag har en känsla av att nästa kommer bli ännu värre.
Avslutningen var tråkig, det regnade så vi fick sitta inne och Tilde är på väg till Kreta just nu så vi kunde inte fika efteråt som förra året.
Planerar att ha en midsommarfest med mina kompisar, om någon hade velat T_T
Har förresten bränt mig. Det gjorde jag i tisdags och det har inte gått bort så mycket. Extremt irriterande.


I bought this thing and it's a very very nice thing


I have an account on deviantart but I haven't used it in years. It's emmacurry if you would be interested.

Lillian Gish

I adore this girl. So much.


I've got the dress I was going to wear at the graduation, but I'm not so sure anymore.. I mean, it's perfect, but other people will probably think it's really ugly. Maybe I'll just wear this white dress instead. It's pretty too.
Oh and this is a part of my desk. Bye.


I'm up. 02.58 AM. My life.
The birds are already singing and that only makes it harder to sleep. Why am I up so late? Because I can't freaking sleep. That's all. Bye.

dope cinema

darling, dearest, deadest

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