Merry Christmas 2 days late

hope you had a wonderful time x

världen hatar dig

Jag sjunger med vita rosor i munnen
Är jag inte tragisk
Som fortfarande tror på lycka
Fastän världen hånskrattar

idk what to title this????

There is this one thing I really can't stand.. Statistically, most rapists are men, and so when it's dark outside and you're all alone as a young woman, and you spot an unknown man - you usually get a bit uneasy, which should be understandable. But the thing is, I said this to a guy yesterday and he said "DON'T GENERALISE ALL MEN THAT'S SO UNFAIR" and didn't even TRY to understand that it's a FACT that most rapists are men, and WE DONT KNOW what a rapists looks like, do we? IT'S FOR OUR SAFETY, and it's incredibly selfish to tell us "not to generalise all men" in that matter. Do you understand that? Stop being selfish.

things I like #5

none of these pictures belong to me

trying to write (I can't write poems but here's one anyway)

you turn my heart into the sun
instead of blood, there's sunshine running through my veins


alright but really don't you just love stars like, the universe breathing stars across the nightsky, cosmic lights on the indigo canvas ❤
sry you can't see the stars here but at least it's night sky and mooonlight

dope cinema

darling, dearest, deadest

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